Monday, March 25, 2024




Corina Yoris Villasana (Caracas, March 17, 1944) is a Venezuelan philosopher, professor, academic and politician. Yoris is the candidate of the Unitary Platform in the Venezuelan presidential elections of July 28, 2024, as a representative of the Venezuelan politician María Corina Machado, who was politically disqualified by the Venezuelan government from holding political office.


Yoris is a member of the Venezuelan Academy of Language and various academic organizations in the area of philosophy, logic, and literature.


Academic career

Corina Yoris Villasana, was born in Caracas and has a degree in Literature and Philosophy from the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB) in 1980 and 1981 respectively, where she also obtained her doctorate in History in 1999. She has a master's degree in Latin American Literature from the Simón Bolívar University (USB) in 1993 and another in Logic and Philosophy of Science from the University of Salamanca, Spain. Her final master's thesis, titled “Analogy and argumentative force,” was awarded the “Federico Riu Philosophical Research Award” in the Short Essay category.


Yoris held the position of director of the School of Philosophy of the UCAB between 1992 and 1998, director of the Philosophy postgraduate degree from 1997 and of the Humanities and Education Area in the postgraduate degree of the UCAB between 2007 and 2011. In addition, she has been columnist for El Nacional and Level VII professor assigned to the Department of Political Studies of the Metropolitan University.


At the institutional level, she has played various roles in both national and international institutions. She was president of the Venezuelan Society of Philosophy and the Venezuelan Society of Logic, member of the Mexican Academy of Logic, member of the Inter-American Society of Philosophy, member of the International Étienne Gilson Society and vice president for South America of the Ibero-American Network of Philosophy. On March 19, 2024, she was appointed as a full member of the Venezuelan Academy of Language, specifically the "O" chair, which was occupied, among others, by Rómulo Gallegos, the first Venezuelan president elected by universal vote.


She has been recognized for her academic career by the Estagira Institute of Higher Studies, located in Michoacán, Mexico as a distinguished professor. Yoris is the author of more than 60 articles published in indexed journals, as well as the author of six books.




La Dra. Corina Yoris Villasana (Caracas, 17 de marzo de 1944) es una filósofa, profesora, académica y política venezolana.​La Dra.Yoris es la candidata de la Plataforma Unitaria en las elecciones presidenciales de Venezuela del 28 de julio de 2024, como representante de la política venezolana María Corina Machado, quien fue inhabilitada políticamente por el gobierno venezolano para ejercer cargos políticos.


La Dra. Yoris es miembro de la Academia Venezolana de la Lengua y de diversas organizaciones académicas del área de la filosofía, lógica y letras.


Trayectoria académica

La Dra. Corina Yoris Villasana, nació en Caracas y es licenciada en Letras y Filosofía por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB) en 1980 y 1981 respectivamente, donde también obtuvo su doctorado en Historia en 1999. Posee una maestría en Literatura Latinoamericana de la Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) en 1993 y otra en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Su trabajo final de maestría, titulado «Analogía y fuerza argumentativa», fue galardonado con el «Premio a la Investigación Filosófica Federico Riu» en la categoría de Ensayo Corto.


La Dra. Yoris ocupó el cargo de directora de la Escuela de Filosofía de la UCAB entre 1992 y 1998, directora del postgrado de Filosofía a partir de 1997 y del Área de Humanidades y Educación en el postgrado de la UCAB entre 2007 y 2011. Además, ha sido columnista de El Nacional y profesora Nivel VII adscrita al Departamento de Estudios Políticos de la Universidad Metropolitana.


A nivel institucional, la Dra. Yoris ha desempeñado varios roles tanto en instituciones nacionales como internacionales. Fue presidenta de la Sociedad Venezolana de Filosofía y de la Sociedad Venezolana de Lógica, miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Lógica, vocal de la Sociedad Interamericana de Filosofía, miembro de la International Étienne Gilson Society y vicepresidenta para América del Sur de la Red Iberoamericana de Filosofía. El 19 de marzo de 2024 fue nombrada como miembro de número de la Academia Venezolana de la Lengua, específicamente el sillón «O», que fue ocupado, entre otros, por Rómulo Gallegos, primer presidente venezolano electo por votación universal.


Ha sido reconocida por su trayectoria académica por el Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Estagira, ubicado en Michoacán, México como profesora distinguida. Yoris es autora de más de 60 artículos publicados en revistas indexadas, así como autora de seis libros.


Friday, March 8, 2024



El Modelo de Ocupación Territorial de la CVG, Corporación Venezolana de Guayana, ha desempeñado un papel crucial en la creación del principal polo de desarrollo de Venezuela en la región de Guayana.

Esta iniciativa ha contribuido significativamente a mitigar la falta de planificación en la distribución poblacional, que históricamente ha estado excesivamente concentrada en la franja que abarca la cordillera de Los Andes, el estado Zulia y la zona costera desde el estado Falcón hasta el estado Sucre.

Desde el punto de vista de la desconcentración de las zonas sobrepobladas existentes y la descentralización, la CVG ha ayudado a absorber parte del crecimiento poblacional, aprovechando las bondades y potencialidades de la región.

Un ejemplo destacado es Ciudad Guayana, que ha experimentado un notable crecimiento demográfico, pasando de 4.000 habitantes en 1951 a más de 700.000 en el año 2000.





Puerto Ordaz

Descentralizar las ciudades actuales implica ofrecer a los ciudadanos oportunidades de vida superiores a las que tienen en sus zonas habituales de residencia. Esto requiere la generación de empleos dignos y bien remunerados en nuevas zonas, lo que serviría como un incentivo para que los ciudadanos se desplacen en busca de mejores condiciones económicas para ellos y sus familias, así como para contar con recursos para ahorro, recreación, vacaciones y emprendimiento personal o comercial.

Todo esto subraya la importancia de la planificación y la consolidación de polos de desarrollo, como lo fue para muchos "La Conquista del Sur" en la Región Guayana, donde la instalación de un parque industrial permitió a cientos de miles de venezolanos construir una vida mejor en la región.

Dado el crecimiento poblacional y la necesidad de evitar un modelo de ocupación territorial centrado en ciudades saturadas que carecen de infraestructura para generar empleo, es fundamental establecer varios centros poblados con una población de 500.000 habitantes o más.


Necesidad de nuevos centros poblados

Un ejemplo ilustrativo es Canadá, donde muchos de los centros poblados en la región norte existen debido a la explotación minera o forestal. El aluminio juega un papel crucial en la economía de Canadá y en el alto nivel de vida de su población.

El aluminio es pilar importante de la pujante economía y del alto nivel de vida del pueblo canadiense


Monday, January 29, 2024




El Sistema Educativo en Finlandia es financiado a través de impuestos. En realidad, la gratuidad no significa que no haya costos asociados, sino que estos costos son sufragados por la sociedad en su conjunto. 

En general se podría interpretar el pago de impuestos como una carga que necesariamente va en detrimento de la calidad de vida de los contribuyentes. En el caso de los finlandeses, en general, en los países escandinavos y los países socialmente desarrollados, el pago de impuestos no afecta, ni el poder adquisitivo, ni el alto estándar de calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. 

Más bien, la inversión en educación se revierte en mayores beneficios para los ciudadanos y las sociedades en su conjunto. 

La gratuidad en realidad no existe, pues se trata de un servicio que se financia con impuestos que refleja una perspectiva válida sobre el sistema educativo finlandés y, de hecho, sobre muchos sistemas de educación en el mundo. 

La calidad del sistema educativo finlandés ha sido ampliamente reconocida, pero como cualquier sistema de alta calidad, puede implicar costos significativos. Estos costos están relacionados con la inversión en maestros altamente calificados, instalaciones educativas, programas de apoyo estudiantil, y otros recursos necesarios para mantener altos estándares. 

La gratuidad en la educación finlandesa se refiere a que los estudiantes no pagan matrícula. Sin embargo, como se menciona en la afirmación, este servicio educativo es financiado a través de impuestos. En realidad, la gratuidad no significa que no haya costos asociados, sino que estos costos son sufragados por la sociedad en su conjunto.

Consideraciones adicionales: 

Inversión como inversión social: Al considerar los costos, también es importante ver la inversión en educación como una inversión social. Una fuerza laboral educada y capacitada contribuye al desarrollo económico y social a largo plazo. 

Equidad y beneficios sociales: A pesar de los costos, muchos defienden sistemas educativos financiados con impuestos porque promueven la equidad. La idea es que todos los ciudadanos, independientemente de su situación económica, tienen acceso a una educación de calidad.

Debate sobre financiamiento: El debate sobre el financiamiento de la educación a menudo se centra en cómo distribuir equitativamente la carga fiscal y cómo utilizar eficientemente los recursos disponibles. 

En resumen, la afirmación destaca una realidad fundamental: la gratuidad en la educación no significa que no haya costos asociados. Estos costos se financian a través de impuestos, y la discusión sobre la calidad y sostenibilidad de los sistemas educativos a menudo gira en torno a cómo equilibrar la excelencia con la eficiencia y la equidad en la asignación de recursos. 

En los países nórdicos (países socialmente desarrollados), el pago de impuestos está integrado en un sistema social que busca proporcionar servicios de calidad a todos los ciudadanos. En lugar de percibir los impuestos como una carga, se considera una inversión colectiva en el bienestar y el desarrollo sostenible de la sociedad. 

En estos países, el alto nivel de imposición fiscal se traduce en beneficios tangibles para la población, como: 

Servicios de calidad: La financiación a través de impuestos permite proporcionar servicios públicos de alta calidad, como educación, atención médica, infraestructuras y programas sociales. 

Reducción de desigualdades: Los impuestos progresivos y los sistemas de bienestar social contribuyen a reducir las brechas económicas y sociales, promoviendo la equidad y la inclusión.

Calidad de vida: Los ciudadanos de estos países a menudo experimentan una alta calidad de vida, con acceso a servicios esenciales sin tener que preocuparse por costos prohibitivos. 

Seguridad social: Los sistemas de seguridad social respaldados por impuestos ayudan a proporcionar una red de seguridad para aquellos que enfrentan desafíos económicos, garantizando un nivel básico de vida para todos. 

Educación de calidad: En el contexto específico de la educación, la inversión en educación de calidad es un ejemplo claro de cómo los impuestos benefician a la sociedad a largo plazo al preparar a los ciudadanos para contribuir positivamente a la economía y la sociedad en general. 


La aceptación de altos impuestos en estos países se basa en una comprensión compartida de que estos impuestos se utilizan para construir y mantener un tejido social fuerte y cohesivo. En última instancia, la inversión en educación y otros servicios públicos se percibe como una estrategia sostenible que mejora la calidad de vida y el bienestar general de la sociedad.




Monday, October 23, 2023




Venezuelan Aluminium Industry, C.A., CVG Venalum. In the background, the design of the capacity expansion project for lines VI and VII. Photo and Design: CINTAL














































Principio del formulario



In 1975, the construction of Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, C.A., CVG Venalum, commenced, and it began production in 1978 with an annual output of 70,000 tons. The construction of its 4 cell lines using Reynolds Technology, providing an installed production capacity of 280,000 tons per year, was completed by the year 1980.

After implementing enhancements to modernize its original cells and additionally constructing the V-Line with Hydro Aluminium Technology, from the 1990s onwards, CVG Venalum achieved an installed production capacity of 430,000 tons per year, until the supply of electricity was suspended in 2008.

In 1990, the V-350 cells, cutting-edge 100% Venezuelan Technology designed by CVG Venalum engineers, began operation with a production capacity of 2.5 tons per cell per day.

The human capital that received training organized by Reynolds Metals Company personnel primarily came from our educational institutions: middle-level technicians, INCE technicians, Higher University Technicians (TSU), as well as graduates from our universities.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the country started to receive a significant number of university graduates from universities worldwide through the GRAN MARISCAL DE AYACUCHO SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME.

This initiative by the President of the Republic, Carlos Andrés Pérez, began on June 4, 1974, with the issuance of Decree No. 132, which established this programme in honor of the sesquicentennial of the Battle of Ayacucho, allowing young Marshal Antonio José de Sucre to complete the process of liberating Latin America.


Antonio José de Sucre. Michelena, Arturo. 1895, Palacio Legislativo, La Paz. Batalla de Ayacucho, óleo sobre lienzo de Martín Tovar y Tovar (1827 - 1902)


The purpose of the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Scholarship Programme was aimed at the training of human resources that would enable us, through a process of technology acquisition and assimilation, to overcome the stages of scientific and technological dependence and definitively join the group of autonomous and truly developed countries.

In this regard, the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Scholarship Programme was created, considered a true programme of innovation and democratization of education.

Of innovation, because Venezuela is one of the few countries in the world that, by the year 1976, could embark on this significant task, which would allow it to support approximately 11,000 scholarship recipients both within the country and abroad, a truly significant number for the country's 12 million inhabitants at that time.



On democratization, because the opportunity was given to young individuals, primarily from the country's interior and from households with modest economic resources, both within the country and abroad. With this, the central government demonstrated that education truly constitutes a fundamental factor of promotion in all aspects.

A well-educated and skilled population is essential for the achievement of a nation's economic and social well-being. Education plays a pivotal role in providing individuals with the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to effectively participate in society and contribute to a country's economic support.

Quality education significantly enhances the likelihood of finding employment and enjoying a decent purchasing power and standard of living.

The Scholarship Programme, which in its initial stage was affiliated with Cordiplán (Office of Coordination and Planning of the Presidency of the Republic), became part of the "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho" Foundation on July 1, 1975. This change granted it greater autonomy in decision-making and improved administrative efficiency.

The transition to a Foundation, as enabled by Decree No. 1000 of July 1, 1975, was further complemented by Decree No. 1332 of December 16, 1975, from the Presidency of the Republic, specifically stating that the Foundation, as a non-profit private entity, would be administered by a Board of Directors consisting of the Foundation's President (an appointee and removable by the President of the Republic) and four directors representing the Ministries of Education, Mines and Hydrocarbons, the National Council for Scientific Research, and Cordiplán.

Venezuela is one of the few countries in the world with significant potential for non-polluting hydroelectric energy generation, supporting the industrial sector and job creation. This, combined with the extraordinary potential of aluminium as an important driver for development, considering Venezuela's vast resources of bauxite, hydroelectricity, and natural gas, unfortunately represents a substantial option that we haven't effectively harnessed for economic development and diversification, as well as the generation of well-being, based on the efficient production of this metal.

Both the projection and the behavior of the demand for aluminium consumption, as well as global price trends, have shown sustained growth for decades, as illustrated in the following charts and links.


Demand in the consumption of aluminium



Aluminium prices



En Bahrain hicieron su Siembra Petrolera en el Aluminio


OMÁN es otro de los Países Árabes que hizo su Siembra Petrolera en la Industria del Aluminio


Según el Instituto Internacional del Aluminio, cada trabajo directo de esta industria genera al menos 3,75 empleos indirectos


The Gulf Aluminium Industry: A legacy of 5 successful decades, 6 aluminium smelters



In this document, we aim to illustrate the trajectory observed by Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, C.A., CVG Venalum, from the perspective of the training and development received by its personnel, as well as the operational, technical, and managerial evolutionary process, along with the results achieved over three decades (1978-2008). This journey led CVG Venalum to the effective assimilation and mastery of acquired technologies, as well as the development and design of proprietary technologies that enabled the company to attain world-class efficiency and productivity results, sustainability, and technological sovereignty.


My Experience as a Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Scholarship Recipient (1976–1980)

Upon completing my second year at Simón Bolívar University in 1975, I received notification of acceptance into the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Scholarship Programme to pursue undergraduate studies in England.

In early 1976, I traveled to Manchester, where I undertook an English language course. In September of that same year, I commenced my studies in Metallurgy at Brunel University in London, under the guidance of Professor Bernard Davies.

This was a "sandwich" degree programme that extended over four years (one year longer than the traditional bachelor’s programme). During the first three years, students spent six months at the university, with the remaining six months dedicated to training within the British industry.

The six months of industrial training were carried out under contractual agreements with the companies and in compliance with agreements established with the Workers' Union.

During that time, the Venezuelan Aluminium Industry, CVG Venalum, was in the construction phase and would utilize the Aluminium Reduction Technology from Reynolds Metals Company, USA.

Representatives of this company met with professors of the Metallurgy Department at Brunel University to plan the training of Venezuelan students at the British Aluminium Company in Scotland, where they had their Aluminium Reduction Plants.

In the first year, I had the wonderful opportunity to engage in this training programme in Scotland. During the second year, I undertook training within the Research and Development Department, focusing on aluminium alloys, at the London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Company in England. In the third year, I gained experience at the aluminium rolling and extrusion plant, Alcan, Aluminios de Canadá, in Wales.

In the fourth and concluding year, I dedicated my efforts to my undergraduate thesis project, which centered on the oxidation of molten aluminium-magnesium alloys. This research was financially supported by Alcan Laboratories in England.


Year 1977

Training conducted at the British Aluminium Company, Kinlochleven, Scotland. Söderberg Type Reduction Cells of 40 Kiloamperes.

Video: ALUMINIUM REDUCTION CELLS AT KINLOCHLEVEN, from minute 24:45 to minute 26:17

 The Electric Village. A video produced by Fairline Productions for Alcan Smelting and

Power UK 


Covered Aspects: 

  • Basic and practical fundamentals of the aluminium reduction process.
  • Study and control of contamination levels produced during the reduction process.
  • Measurement of the electrical resistivity of the cathodes used in electrolytic cells.
  • Measurement of the anodic profile of the cell.


Year 1978

Training conducted at the Research and Development Department of London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Company, Ltd, Rotherham, England.


  • Manufacturing of an exothermic compound for the repair of steel industry ladle base.
  • Study of the mechanical properties of welds in some aluminium alloys.
  • Effect of boron on the electrical conductivity of Al-Ti alloys.

NOTE: As an illustration, the offer received for the second training in 1978 from the London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Company Limited is shown, which consisted of an annual base salary of 3060 British pounds.



Year 1979

Training conducted at ALCAN SHEET Ltd, Rogerstone, Wales.

Covered Aspects:

  • Basic and practical fundamentals of aluminium casting, extrusion, and rolling processes.


  • Research on the formation of white spots on rolled products of certain aluminium alloys.
  • Research on the tolerance limits of mechanical properties of certain aluminium alloys.
  • Routine control of annealing furnaces for aluminium alloy sheets.


Year 1980

Undergraduate Thesis: "Morphology of oxide films formed on the surface of molten Al-Mg alloys employing techniques such as Thermogravimetry, X-ray Diffraction, Electron Diffraction Microscopy, and Scanning Electron Microscopy with microprobe analysis.

I presented the results of my thesis work at ALCAN Research Laboratories in Banbury, Oxon, England. The same work was awarded the CONICIT LONDON Prize for the best research work conducted by a Venezuelan student in the United Kingdom, granted by the Venezuelan Embassy in London.



After completing my studies in Metallurgy at Brunel University, I started my career as a cell line supervisor at Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, C.A., CVG Venalum, in November 1980. I continued to serve the company until 2011.


This was a comprehensive process that encompassed all areas of expertise, including technical aspects (production, process engineering, quality control, process control, maintenance) as well as administrative procedures, which were inherited from the technology provider, Reynolds Metals Company.



Between April 27 and May 8, 1981, a group of engineers from the Technical Department of CVG Venalum was sent to the United States to attend the Seminar on Process Engineering conducted by the Reduction Research Division of Reynolds Aluminium.

Distinguished experts in the field of Aluminium Reduction Technology, Drs. Alton Tabereaux, Curtis McMinn, and Nolan Richards, the latter being the Research and Development Manager of Reynolds Metals Company, were among the professors who delivered the seminar's topics.



Starting from the second semester of 1981, and for approximately a year, the technicians in the reduction area of CVG Venalum received on-site training on the fundamentals of aluminium reduction process, operations and engineering. The training aimed at mastering the know-how of the specialty and was organized by the Japanese aluminium company, Showa Denko (20 percent of CVG Venalum's foreign capital is subscribed by the Japanese consortium comprised of Showa Denko K.K., Kobe Steel Ltd., Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd., Mitsubishi Aluminium Company Ltd., and Marubeni Corporation). Both the group of Japanese technicians and the training were coordinated by the aluminium reduction technology specialist, Dr. Takahiro Suzuki.

Based on this acquired knowledge and with the objective of creating a knowledge multiplier effect, courses were structured and delivered to personnel in operations, maintenance, quality control, and process engineering.

Postgraduate studies in Norway

Between 1983 and 1986, I was awarded a scholarship by Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, C.A., CVG Venalum, which allowed me to pursue doctoral studies at the University of Trondheim, Norway. During my stay, I had the honor of working under the guidance of Professor Kai Grjotheim, who specialized in Aluminium Reduction Technology, and Professor Harald Øye, specialist in Carbon Technology applied to the aluminium industry, including Anode and Cathode Technology. 



Professor Kai Grjotheim garnered unquestionable global recognition in the realm of Aluminium Reduction Technology and played a pivotal role in co-authoring academically significant works, including:

"Aluminium Smelter Technology: A Pure and Applied Approach," co-written with Barry Welch.

"Understanding the Hall-Héroult process for the production of aluminium," in which he served as an editor alongside Halvor Kvande.

"Aluminium Electrolysis: The Chemistry of the Hall-Héroult Process," in which he was also a contributor.



Professor Harald Øye made a significant mark on international aluminium industry and education. Since 1982, he spearheaded the annual Trondheim event known as "The International Course on Process Metallurgy of Aluminium." Moreover, much of his subsequent scientific work is documented in the monograph titled "Cathodes in the Aluminium Industry," co-authored with Morten Sorlie. This work has been published in English editions in 2010, in Russian in 2013, and in Chinese in 2015. 

In recognition of his outstanding work, in 1997, Professor Harald Øye received the Research Council of Norway's Researcher of the Year award. Additionally, in 1999, he was distinguished as a Knight of the First Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav for Technical Research, an honor bestowed by King Harald V of Norway.


Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU



Other Venezuelans, also graduates and recipients of the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Scholarship Programme, in the United States, England, and other locations, had a similar experience. They subsequently received on-site training at alumina production plants in Australia and the United States, forming the successful technical and managerial team of Interalúmina - Bauxilum.




As part of the plan for the acquisition and assimilation of technologies to be incorporated in CVG Venalum's modernization and V-Line projects, a significant number of its employees attended the annual event "The International Course on Process Metallurgy of Aluminium" at the University of Trondheim, Norway, in 1987. They also participated in training programmes offered by Norsk Hydro in the fields of Aluminium Reduction Technology and Carbon Technology for anode and cathode manufacturing, which took place at Årdal plant facilities.

Årdal Aluminium Reduction Plant, Norway. Photo: Hydro





The Multiplying Effect of Acquired Knowledge

As a commitment, all the wealth of knowledge and experiences gained, documented in various reports prepared by the training participants, was imparted to operational, engineering, and maintenance personnel as a multiplying effect for the training of future generations, nurturing talent in all areas of the plant.




The central element of the Hall-Héroult process for aluminium production is the electrolytic cell, with cell production being proportional to the operating current. This relationship between production and electricity has led to the design of cells operating at higher amperages with the aim of increasing production and plant productivity.



Designing efficient high-amperage aluminium cells is no easy task, and to achieve this, it requires the formation of multidisciplinary teams capable of interacting and aligning the design commitments of the different cell components with their individual operation and their influence on the final performance of the cell.

Special emphasis must be placed on electromagnetic design because, due to the large currents flowing through the cells, the liquid aluminium tends not to be at rest, affecting the cell's efficiency and potentially hindering its operation altogether.

The design of the cell lining is also crucial, as it governs, among other aspects, the cell's lifespan.


Mechanical design should encompass not only the required rigidity to withstand the stresses to which the cell's metal structure is subjected but also the meticulous consideration of all moving parts. These crucial components necessitate a design approach that strikes a balance between robustness, functionality, and ease of operation and maintenance.

Up to this point, all the mentioned design elements are managed through the creation and utilization of intricate mathematical models, facilitating computer-aided design. This approach serves to reduce the requirement for prototypes and industrial-scale testing.

Another significant aspect pertains to the automatic control system. This system depends on a profound comprehension of the aluminium reduction process and the formulation of control routines that are transformed into computer programmes. These programmes control the mechanical components of the cell to execute a range of tasks, such as managing alumina and additive feed, adjusting operational variables, considering events, and more.




Finally, once the cell is designed, it must be operated and tested, adjusting, if necessary, some of its designed components and optimizing its operation before industrial use.

This is an important aspect to mention because the industrial production of aluminium is carried out in units called production lines. These lines consist of a set of more than 300 cells, as in the case of the VI and VII Lines of CVG Venalum, electrically connected in series.


 Design of the potrooms and systems related to the reduction line



Venezuelan Aluminium Industry, C.A., CVG Venalum. In the background, the design of the capacity expansion project for lines VI and VII. Photo and Design: CINTAL


The task of designing an electrolytic cell for aluminium production is, as demonstrated, a complex endeavor. Consequently, the aluminium industry currently faces a shortage of technology providers in the reduction sector.

This scarcity of providers has led to elevated licensing costs and substantial profits for companies that specialize in this field, rendering it a highly lucrative economic sector.

Furthermore, the CVG Venalum team, operating independently from commercial ties to any specific firm, collaborates directly with auxiliary equipment providers for aluminium plants. This collaboration plays a pivotal role in cost reduction as it allows for the impartial selection of auxiliary equipment, thereby optimizing the technical and economic aspects of any project utilizing the V-350 Cell.

The construction of both the experimental cell line and the facility where the Research and Development personnel would operate took place at the end of the V-Line. This involved utilizing the current from the V-Line (220-230 kA), which was later increased to 300-330 kA using the booster rectifier unit. Additionally, crane services for the cells and other auxiliary services from the V-Line were utilized in this process.

This marked the commencement of operations for the Research and Development Centre of Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, CVG Venalum.




The Prototype V-350 Line has been operated and optimized since 1990 by the Research and Development Management of CVG Venalum. Additionally, the design of the V-350 cells and their efficiency have been audited by international experts in the aluminium industry.





The process of technical auditing signifies the pinnacle of expertise within the Research and Development team. It involves cutting-edge designs for aluminium reduction cells, which, for the first time worldwide, operated at amperage levels exceeding 300 kiloamperes by 1990.

Warren E. Haupin


Warren Haupin graduated in Electrochemical Engineering at Penn State in 1943. He was a Senior Research Engineer for Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa), where he worked for 40 years. He published many articles and acquired numerous patents, including one for aluminum can manufacturing. He taught aluminum metallurgy at the University of Norway for 19 years.



Electrometallurgy of Aluminum



Electrode Reactions in Hall- Héroult Cells

·    Warren Haupin


Haupin, W.E. and Frank, W.B., Chapter 5, Vol. 2, Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry, eds. Bockris, Conway, Yeager and White; Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, N.Y.,1981, p. 308 


These technical audit processes were coordinated by Dr. Jesús Imery on behalf of the Research and Development Centre.

Dr. Jesús Imery, upon graduating in 1986, began working at Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, CVG Venalum, in the newly created Research and Development unit. He initiated the Conceptual Design of the V-350 Cell and the experimental cell line. He later focused on the development of mathematical models for calculating current distribution and electromagnetic fields in aluminium reduction cells, which he used for the optimized design of the busbar system. This led to the successful operation of a Hall Héroult cell for the electrolytic production of aluminium with a current intensity exceeding 300 kA, published at the Light Metals Conference in the United States in 1989.

J.Imery.  Electromagnetic optimization of the V-350 Venalum Cell. Light Metals 1989, p.p.  211-214. 

This is the design that generates the patent protecting the industrial property of the V-350 cells in 1990: Electromagnetic optimization of the electrolytic cell for aluminum reduction.  

Tipo:                                     Invención

Inscripción:                        No: 90-0830. Fecha: 08/06/1990

Registro:                             No. 55.077


He also contributed to the design of the lining of the V-350 cells and played a crucial role in their setup, tuning, and characterization.


The year 1990 marked the successful start, commissioning, and performance of the Venezuelan Aluminium Reduction Technology, the V-350 Cell, designed by Venalum engineers. The purpose was to develop proprietary technology for CVG Venalum, which would serve as technology for new aluminium projects in Venezuela, both for Venalum and for privately funded international ventures in the country. This initiative was supported by the Minister of State and President of the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana, Engineer Leopoldo Sucre Figarella.

In this context, when we take into account Venezuela's abundant resources of bauxite, hydroelectric power, and natural gas, and the potential for diversifying its economy through efficient aluminium production, the technologies and knowledge acquired become strategically crucial for the country's future. This is achieved through the development of CVG Venalum's proprietary reduction technology: the V-350 Cell.



  • V-350 is proprietary technology.
  • It is cutting-edge technology.
  • Thoroughly tested.
  • Of international caliber.
  • Guarantees low investment and operational costs.
  • Empowers CVG Venalum (and consequently the company that uses this technology through it) to secure better pricing and financing conditions for the equipment and materials associated with a reduction line.
  • Avoids high technology licensing fees, as well as those for consultations and training.
  • Eliminates all expenses related to overseas travel, as well as costs for foreign personnel traveling to the country due to the use of foreign technologies.
  • Prevents capital outflow.
  • Possesses a high local component.
  • Almost all of the metalworking and busbar construction for Cell V-350 was performed by companies in Guayana.
  • It has contributed to the technological knowledge of the Venezuelan aluminium industry and has prompted the development of materials and equipment that replace those previously imported.
  • It has been audited by international experts, endorsed for the construction of expansions and/or new aluminium plants.
  • Its use has been requested by internationally renowned companies.
  • Companies of international repute have shown interest in commercializing this technology.
  • It has been selected as the subject of articles published by international magazines.
  • It has been accepted at prestigious international congresses.




100% Venezuelan Reduction Technology. The V–350 Cell

Prebake Cell Technology: A Global Review



The Design and Development of High Amperage Cell Technology for aluminium reduction, undertaken by CVG Venalum's Research and Development Group, represents a significant milestone in the history of Science and Technology in Venezuela and a global breakthrough in the aluminium reduction field. This achievement marked the world's first successful design capable of operating at amperage levels exceeding 300 kiloamperes in 1990.

V-350 was the only high amperage cell technology operating at amperage levels exceeding 300 kiloamperes between 1990 and 2000, before any other successful technology design from any country worldwide. As reported by Dr. Alton Taberaux in the Journal of Metals, JOM, 52 (2) (2000), pages 22-28, by the year 2000, the only cells operating at the maximum amperage level of 320 kiloamperes in the aluminium industry worldwide were: 

·         The V-350 Cell from CVG Venalum, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, and 

·         The P-320 Cell, Pingguo, China.


"Venalum in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, developed five P-point feed V-350 cells side by side, four side risers, with 36 anodes operating at 320 kA in its development line."




These initiatives of specialized technical assistance encompassed the following key activities:


  1. Technical Support to the Venalum Plant: Our main focus of technical support to the CVG Venalum plant specifically extends to the reduction areas, carbon plant, casting processes, and the expansion project, lines VI and VII within CVG Venalum. 

  1. Boosting the Aluminium Sector: Our commitment to the aluminium sector also included critical efforts, which comprised:

·         Expansion of  CVG Alcasa, Line V. 

·         Enhancing the production capacity of CVG Cabelum. 

·         Developing a territorial occupation model for bauxite-alumina operations.

·         Crafting a comprehensive Aluminium Sector Strategic Plan.

These endeavors were undertaken with precision and dedication, serving as a testament to our commitment to advancing the capabilities and efficiency of CVG Aluminium Companies through our collaboration with CVG Venalum's research and development initiatives.







During the privatization process of CVG's aluminium companies, Venalum had recently been modernized with new technologies incorporated into the construction of the V-Line.

Ten years after the unsuccessful privatization process, the smelter continued to operate and produce at its installed capacity of 430,000 tons per year, with world-class efficiency and productivity results until 2008, when the power supply was suspended.

Between January 1998 and December 2008, Venalum's sales revenue amounted to around 8 billion US dollars ($8,000 million US).

CVG Venalum's operational conditions, as well as its management and administration, demonstrated internationally the magnitude of the extraordinary business that results from the integrated aluminium industry when managed and administered with criteria of excellence.

In 2004, at the request of Marubeni Corporation, a meeting was held between this corporation, Corporación Venezolana de Guayana, and CVG Venalum in Puerto Ordaz to discuss with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) the tentative financial proposal offered by Marubeni Corporation for the construction of CVG Venalum's VI Line.


  Japanese Banks Interested in Financing CVG Projects

Banca japonesa quiere financiar proyectos de CVG



Venezuelan Aluminium Industry, C.A., CVG Venalum. In the background, the design of the capacity expansion project for lines VI and VII. Photo and Design: CINTAL


As proven worldwide, well-managed and well-administered aluminium business never becomes an economic burden for the state. 

With its revenues and savings, in the short, medium, and long term, it ensures the coverage of all its operating, administrative, financial costs, payment of taxes to the government, major maintenance, and plant improvements, as well as the economic strength to finance its expansion projects for production capacity, growth, and diversification with its own resources.


Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, CVG Venalum, still in times of operational, technical, and managerial excellence.  Source: La Noticia, CVG Venalum, Año 2, Nº 04, Enero-Febrero de 2003




To the initial achievements in the development of the V-350 Cell, a result of efficient project management, significant nationally constructed engineering elements have been added. In this second phase of the project, the Research and Development Management, supported by a high-level multidisciplinary team with technical and managerial expertise, carries out the engineering and project management of the VI Line Project, the first phase of the company's expansion project.



This integrated process of technology, engineering, and management conducted by the Research and Development Management for the VI Line Project is beginning to yield significant results. These include the design of a domestic proposal for specialized cranes in the reduction area, which will enable CVG Venalum to have its own cranes for the P-19 cells.


In a similar vein, the design of gas treatment plants, materials handling and transportation systems, decanting and crucible cleaning stations, hull straighteners for cells, cell control systems, tilting furnaces in the casting area, ingot machines, and more have been initiated.

Of marked importance is the fact that many of the developments resulting from technological innovation in the national aluminium industry (design of key auxiliary plants and specialized equipment for a smelter, such as materials handling, storage, gas treatment plants, specialized cranes for the reduction process, etc.) will be compatible or can be extrapolated to other areas of the national economy with needs in other productive sectors.

For example, materials handling technologies can be used in handling agricultural products such as rice, corn, beans, sugar, etc. Gas treatment plants, once adapted, can be used in all industrial processes that require them, and retention and melting furnaces can be used by metallurgical companies, among others. Another area of action will be the identification of parts and components that tend to go out of production by their manufacturers, which can be designed and manufactured locally, thus avoiding incurring significant replacement costs for equipment that could be prevented.


Thus, CVG Venalum, through its Research and Development Management, has dedicated efforts to design all the auxiliary plants and equipment related to a smelter, while maintaining the strong intention of putting its technical and managerial expertise at the service of sister companies in CVG and the national industrial sector, attributes necessary to embark on the path to technological independence.



These initiatives, oriented towards the design, promotion, construction, commissioning, and technical operation consultancy of aluminium manufacturing companies, have already advanced the conceptual engineering of several projects under the Research and Development Management. Some of these projects are listed below.

It is important to mention that, based on the fact that various components of the structures to be used in these projects are manufactured using aluminium as raw material produced by the smelters in Venezuela and other aluminium processing companies such as extrusion and rolling mills, the construction of these plants not only helps increase the level of aluminium value addition in our country but also contributes to the productive linkage between various national aluminium manufacturing companies, with the evident benefits that arise from this interrelation among them.

Additionally, the design, promotion, construction, and operation of companies related to aluminium manufacture encompass essential production goods for society, addressing sectors such as food, healthcare, housing, etc. The expected benefits include the following:

  1. Increased value added in the aluminium production chain with significant volumes of medium and high-complexity parts and components.
  2. Formation of productive linkages between various national aluminium manufacturing companies.
  3. Supply of inputs to the national manufacturing industry, especially the automotive sector, electrical sector, and household appliances with the potential to enter any of the production chains of the national manufacturing sector due to their versatile applications.
  4. Encouragement of the national production of fully assembled equipment since there would be manufacturing capacity for parts and components serving as inputs for their production.
  5. Generation of products that, in addition to exhibiting good profitability, have strategic significance for the nation due to their impact on social benefits.
  6. Contribution to public institutional management in support of sustained impact on promotion strategies in response to the quality of life needs of Venezuelans, especially in housing, food security, etc.
  7. Taking firm steps towards the consolidation of Productive Sovereignty by stimulating research, design, and development of production chains supported by the generation of proprietary manufacturing technologies.
  8. Increase in non-traditional exports.
  9. Generation of sustainable employment.
























During 2005, Drs. Jesús Imery and Juan Guzmán were called upon to collaborate with the management of the newly created Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining, commencing their directorial duties as members of the Board of Directors of CVG Alcasa, where they successfully formed a working team that swiftly set in motion all the electrolytic cells of Line III.





In 2005 and the beginning of 2006, Dr Jesús Imery presided over the Board of Directors at CVG Bauxilum. In addition to his leadership, a group of engineers from the Research and Development Management, along with other professionals from the administrative divisions of CVG Venalum, constitute the board.

To alleviate a tense work environment, a participatory management approach was introduced. Even a contentious document previously introduced by the workers' union during the company's prior administration had to be addressed.

By 2005, CVG Bauxilum had surpassed its historical production records, substantially improved the work environment, and reported substantial net profits. Furthermore, it is prepared to advance its expansion project to produce over three million tons of alumina annually.

The management of CVG Bauxilum extended its influence by advocating at the national executive level for the establishment of a caustic soda plant, which accounts for over 70% of the company's raw material budget.

Recognizing the imperative to enhance the value-added to our natural resources and stimulate sustainable economic endeavors, we actively promote the industrial utilization of granite deposits discovered and studied in areas neighboring the bauxite mine. The Presidency of the Republic sanctioned the necessary funds to undertake this project.

CVG Conacal collaborated closely with CVG Bauxilum to construct a lime plant that would cater to the future requirements of both companies, as well as the new steel company planned by the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining.

Furthermore, a strategic partnership with Saint-Gobain was fostered and solidified to establish a plant in Puerto Ordaz dedicated to the production of proppants. This crucial input is employed to optimize gas and oil well operations and was previously entirely imported by PDVSA.




A segment of the Research and Development Management Centre, in collaboration with other professionals from the administrative departments of CVG Venalum, assumed key roles in the company's management. They proactively participated in various plant activities, yielding the following notable results, among others

  • Halting equipment deterioration by proposing a structured and planned recovery strategy   to restore reliability levels to the minimum expected standards.
  • Reorganizing the Marketing Management, including relocating the office from Caracas to Ciudad Bolívar, reviewing signed contracts, and implementing a sales strategy.
  • In 2005, the change in the premium for conductor sales was achieved, increasing from 430 US$/t to 950 US$/t. Additionally, the premium for wire rod sales was raised from 180 US$/t to 400 and 475 US$/t.



In October 2005, a remarkable production milestone was reached in wire rod, with a total output of 1,643 tons. This achievement was the result of strategic adjustments made to our processes and equipment, all carried out using our own resources and diligent maintenance efforts. Notably, this accomplishment marked the first time in nine years that monthly production target was exceeded. It stands as a testament to the collective dedication of our employees and highlights the company's potential to become a significant player in wire rod and aluminium conductor production, all without requiring substantial investments.

One noteworthy milestone during this period was the reactivation of the O.T.T winder on the rolling line, which had remained dormant for over eight years. The Maintenance Management team at CVG Venalum played a pivotal role in this revival by constructing a new hydraulic unit and fine-tuning the winding system. Furthermore, the automatic cutting system underwent modifications and received valuable support from our plant personnel.

To bolster the reliability of our rolling line, we also took the initiative to replace the outdated AC/DC converters that powered the primary motors of the casting wheel, conveyor, and rolling mill. The previous converters had become obsolete, with no spare parts available in the market, resulting in frequent, unexpected breakdowns.

Throughout the years from 1998 to 2004, many pieces of equipment received minimal maintenance attention and operated at significantly reduced capacities.

Following a diagnosis performed by the Research and Development Management's personnel in 2004 within the production area, a project for technological adaptation and increased production up to 60,000 t/year of conductors was proposed, thereby enhancing the company's profitability.

These achievements underscore our commitment to enhancing operational efficiency and optimizing our overall performance at CVG CABELUM.


CVG Cabelum had access to this funding, which was approved as a loan by CVG in accordance with Resolution DIR 9125 dated 12/14/2005.


























Starting in 1992, a segment of the multidisciplinary team from the Research and Development Centre, through an agreement between Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, C.A., CVG Venalum, and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICIT), participated in master's and doctoral degree programmes in fields such as Systems Engineering, Computer Science, Telematics, Instrumentation, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Engineering.

These programmes took place in England, the United States, and Spain, and it was the only agreement of its kind established and implemented between the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research, CONICIT, and the industry.

The agreement between the company and the Venezuelan Council of Scientific and Technological Research, CONICIT, aimed to create a highly academic group with prior industrial experience to complement, increase, and consolidate its specialized technical support capacity for the Aluminium Sector, as well as to implement policies with a multiplier effect on this knowledge and expertise. These would be used both for training the next generations and enhancing the technical skills of the company's staff.

Members of this high-level group have served as professors and lecturers at universities in various fields, including Engineering and Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Automation and Process Control, Information Technologies, Industrial Process Control and Supervision Systems, Electrical and Computer Engineering, among others.

Additionally, among the group's academic achievements, they have acted as academic or industrial mentors for many students, some of whom have become highly accomplished professionals working not only in Venezuela but also in other countries, such as the United States, Canada, and Germany.

This multidisciplinary group of high-level professionals graduated from nationally and internationally recognized universities and boasts extensive experience in developing and implementing technical and managerial solutions in the aluminium industry. They have expertise in developing technologies for aluminium production, including parts, components, equipment, control systems, process supervision and information, and plants.

This high-level group has worked for over three decades within the aluminium industry, also with a high level of success in executive positions and as members of Boards of Directors of companies involved in bauxite exploration, extraction, handling, and transport, alumina production, aluminium reduction, rolling, wire drawing, and electrical conductor manufacturing.



In addition to their academic training and their technical and managerial experience in the aluminium industry, the Research and Development staff at CVG Venalum have gained valuable insights from studying in countries like England and Norway. These experiences have allowed them to assimilate the strategies employed in these nations for structuring government policies that have led to significant growth in the technological and productive sectors, ultimately fostering a high standard of living for their residents.

The reconstruction of Venezuela necessitates not only the restoration of the existing industrial infrastructure from the late 20th century but also the planning and execution of projects aimed at diversification and productive growth. In these endeavors, the Aluminium Industry stands as a crucial ally in achieving these noble objectives, much like the countries in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf view this industry as a potent tool for diversifying their economy and creating wealth and well-being.

 The Gulf Aluminium Industry: A legacy of 5 successful decades, 6 aluminium smelters

The impact of the aluminium sector on the UAE economy





In practical results, CVG Bauxilum achieved a historic production record in 2005, producing 1,950,000 tons of alumina that year, demonstrating the optimal condition of the refinery systems and the technical and managerial capacity that Bauxilum had throughout most of its history, at least until that time.

Under the management of Engineer Noel Mariño as the General Manager of Operations, it was possible to reach the highest level of production in the history of  Los Pijiguaos Bauxite Mine in 2006, with a production of 5,927,839 tons in crushing and 5,764,053 tons in barge loading.



The privatization process of the Steel Company, SIDOR, was successful. The way in which the privatization process is carried out in the case of the aluminium companies in the years 1996-1998:

Senior government officials under President Rafael Caldera's administration, tasked with overseeing the privatization process, presented aluminium companies to potential investors as having minimal value. They justified this by emphasizing that selling these aluminium companies was imperative for the country due to the government's inability to finance the substantial investments needed to modernize the entities within the Venezuelan Aluminium Corporation, which were slated for privatization. They also cautioned that these companies would likely cease operations within a year due to their deteriorating condition, making them unattractive for acquisition or donation. 


VENEZUELA: El sector del aluminio no tiene quien lo compre

VENEZUELA: Agresiva privatización acompaña plan de ajustes

Ante inversionistas interesados en el aluminio ejecutivo ratificó privatización de las empresas del aluminio para I trimestre de 1998

 VENEZUELA: Comienza cuenta regresiva para privatizar el aluminio




The construction project of the V-Line and the installation of all HAL-230 Technology Hydro Aluminium cells was completed in the early 1990s.

Similarly, the modernization project of cells in Complexes I and II was carried out with the following improvements:

  • Installation of the conductor bar system to compensate for the cells' magnetic field.
  • Point feeding system for alumina dosing.
  • Aluminium fluoride feeding system.
  • Automated control system for the cells.
  • Information and cell supervision system.


Improvements were also made to the auxiliary systems in the cell rooms:

  • Cranes.
  • Materials handling systems.
  • Gas treatment system for environmental improvements.


With the new cell line, the V-Line, and the modernization of cells in the Complexes, Venalum's reduction area was brought up to date with the state-of-the-art reduction technology. It was then ready to reap the benefits of that investment from that decade.

This technology is efficient, productive, and above all, profitable, not far from the state of the art even today in 2023. 


Additionally, improvements were made to accompany the reduction process:

  • In the carbon area to introduce improvements in anode quality.
  • And in the casting area: furnaces, casting tables, for the production of cylinders for extrusion, among other improvements.


At the time of the privatization process, CVG Venalum had been recently modernized with new technologies incorporated in the construction of the V-Line.

If the government agencies responsible for the privatization process claimed that CVG Venalum was so deteriorated, why did it continue to operate at the level of its installed capacity of 430,000 tons per year and achieve world-class efficiency and productivity results. Ten years after the unsuccessful privatization process, power supply was suspended in 2008. 

Between January 1998 and December 2008, Venalum's revenue from sales amounted to approximately 8 billion dollars ($8,000 million US$).



The operational conditions, management, and administration of CVG Venalum showcased on an international scale the immense potential of the integrated aluminium industry when it is overseen and administered with a commitment to excellence.


Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, CVG Venalum, still in times of operational, technical, and managerial excellence.  Source: La Noticia, CVG Venalum, Año 2, Nº 04, Enero-Febrero de 2003



In 2004, at the request of Marubeni Corporation, a meeting was held between this corporation, CVG, and CVG Venalum to discuss, in Puerto Ordaz, the tentative financial proposal offered by Marubeni Corporation for the construction of the VI Line of CVG Venalum with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC).

Japanese Bank Interested in Financing CVG Projects

Banca japonesa quiere financiar proyectos de CVG


Venezuelan Aluminium Industry, C.A., CVG Venalum. In the background, the design of the capacity expansion project for lines VI and VII. Photo and Design: CINTAL




The projects for the construction of cell lines, namely V Alcasa Line and VI and VII Venalum Lines, were developed following the approval of all corresponding technical and economic feasibility studies, along with budgets sanctioned by the respective government agencies.

Extensive efforts were invested in the conceptual and basic design phases, and important part of the detailed engineering, of the CVG Venalum and CVG Alcasa Expansion Plans. Furthermore, substantial efforts were dedicated to securing the necessary financial resources for project execution, as well as ensuring a stable and sustainable supply of electricity and alumina to support their profitable operation.

Regrettably, both plans encountered an unexpected halt during the initial phase of land preparation, without any official notification or explanation provided.






The team at the Aluminium Technology Innovation Centre, CINTAL, designed the Conceptual Engineering for two Aluminium Cities, located in Caicara del Orinoco and El Palmar, promoting aluminium not only as an economic activity but also as a driver of territorial development.









YEARS 1978-1986

In 1975, the construction of Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, C.A., known as CVG Venalum, commenced, and by 1978, it achieved an annual production of 70,000 tons. The construction of its 4 cell lines, developed in collaboration with Reynolds Technology, was completed in 1980, resulting in an installed production capacity of 280,000 tons per year.

The workforce that received training was predominantly guided by personnel from Reynolds Metals Company and consisted mainly of individuals from our educational institutions. This included middle-level technicians, INCE technicians, Higher University Technicians (TSU), and graduates from our universities. The training was conducted at a high level in various specializations, encompassing both technical areas (production, process engineering, quality control, process control, maintenance) and administrative aspects inherited from the technology provider, Reynolds Metals Company.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Venezuela started welcoming a substantial number of university graduates from institutions worldwide through the GRAN MARISCAL DE AYACUCHO SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME. Some of these graduates joined the ranks of CVG Venalum.

Between April 27 and May 8, 1981, a group of engineers from CVG Venalum's Technical Department traveled to the United States to attend the Seminar on Process Engineering hosted by the Reduction Research Division of Reynolds Aluminum. Distinguished authorities in Aluminium Reduction Technology, including Drs. Alton Tabereaux, Curtis McMinn, and Nolan Richards (the Research and Development Manager of Reynolds Metals Company), served as instructors for the seminar.

Commencing in the latter half of 1981, for approximately one year, technicians from the reduction department at CVG Venalum received hands-on training in the fundamentals of the aluminium reduction process, operations, and engineering to master the specialized "know-how." This training was organized in collaboration with the Japanese aluminium company, Showa Denko, which holds a 20 percent stake in CVG Venalum as part of the Japanese consortium comprising Showa Denko K.K., Kobe Steel Ltd., Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd., Mitsubishi Aluminium Company Ltd., and Marubeni Corporation. The group of Japanese technicians and the training programme were overseen by the aluminium reduction technology expert, Dr. Takahiro Suzuki.

Building on this knowledge, and with the aim of creating a ripple effect of knowledge, courses were designed and delivered to personnel in operations, maintenance, quality control, and process engineering. These courses were periodically updated to ensure continued education and expertise development.






 YEARS 1986-1991


In 1986, research and development activities began with the Conceptual Design of Cell V-350 and the experimental cell line.

In 1990, a significant milestone was achieved with the successful launch, commissioning, and operation of the 100% Venezuelan State-of-the-Art Aluminium Reduction Technology, known as the V-350 Cell. This cutting-edge technology was meticulously designed by Venalum's engineers with the objective of creating proprietary solutions for CVG Venalum. It not only served the needs of Venalum but also paved the way for potential future aluminium projects, including those involving international private investments in Venezuela. This forward-thinking initiative received strong support from Engineer Leopoldo Sucre Figarella, the Minister of State and President of the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana.

After introducing improvements to modernize its original cells and additionally constructing the V-Line with Hydro Aluminium Technology, CVG Venalum reached an installed production capacity of 430,000 tons per year from the 1990s until 2008 when the electricity supply was suspended.




YEARS 1991-2000





Iniciatives led by the Research and Development Centre of CVG Venalum.

A comprehensive vision aimed at maximizing the country's hydropower potential for the most efficient development of the entire production chain: bauxite, alumina, aluminium, and transformation.

Interaction among companies Alcasa, Venalum, Bauxilum, Cabelum, with the goal of improving their operations and processes through the exchange of experiences. Especially, in the case of similar production processes in Alcasa and Venalum.

An Information Analysis System for Cells (SAIC) was implemented for both of these companies to monitor all cells across the 7 reduction lines (2 from CVG Alcasa and 5 from CVG Venalum). This system encompasses not only process variables but also their interrelationships, graphical representations, as well as consumption and cost indicators.






Starting in 1992, part of the multidisciplinary team from the Research and Development Management participated in programmes for specialization at the master's and doctoral levels in areas like Systems Engineering, Computing, Telematics, Instrumentation, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Science. These programmes took place in England, the United States, and Spain, and represented the only agreement of its kind between the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICIT) and the industry.

The agreement between the company and the Venezuelan Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICIT) aimed to form a high-level academic group with prior industrial experience to enhance and consolidate their specialized technical support capacity for the Aluminium Sector. The agreement also aimed to implement policies to have a multiplying effect on this knowledge and expertise, which could be used not only for training future generations but also to reinforce the technical level of the company's personnel.

Members of this group have been lecturers and speakers at universities in fields like Engineering and Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Automation, Process Control, Information Technologies, Industrial Process Control and Supervision, Electrical Engineering, and Computing, among other areas.

Likewise, among the group's academic achievements, their work as academic and/or industrial tutors of many students stands out, some of them very prominent professionals working not only in Venezuela, but in other latitudes: the United States, Canada, Germany.

This multidisciplinary group of high-level professionals graduated from nationally and internationally recognized universities and has extensive experience in the development and implementation of technical and managerial solutions in the aluminium industry. They have expertise in developing technologies for aluminium production, including parts, components, equipment, control systems, supervision, and information systems, as well as plants.

This high-level group has worked in the aluminium industry for over three decades, holding managerial positions and serving as members of boards of directors in companies involved in bauxite exploration, extraction, handling, and transport, alumina production, aluminium reduction, rolling, wire drawing, and electric conductor manufacturing.


YEARS 2001-2030



Undoubtedly, the formation of integrated work teams focused on TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, ENGINEERING, and PROJECT MANAGEMENT is the key to consolidating PRODUCTIVE SOVEREIGNTY based on TECHNOLOGICAL SOVEREIGNTY. At CVG Venalum, we are taking a significant step towards the Technological Independence that Venezuela needs to progress towards the levels of well-being our society requires, demands, and deserves on its path to the global leadership position our country is destined for in this century.

During this stage of work at CVG Venalum, the activities of technical assistance continue, but now there is a focus on collaborating in the structuring of a National Aluminium Plan, promoting the aluminium industry, and expanding the installed capacity. This work made significant progress in the year 2000 when the R&D Centre coordinated the representation of the Venezuelan Aluminium Sector at our National Pavilion at EXPO 2000 in Hannover, Germany, and at the Aluminio 2000 Symposium in Puerto Ordaz.

In both events, the promotion of the country's potential for efficient aluminium production was formally relaunched, reversing the negative campaign that had been held against this vital part of the national economy. Additionally, the new Project of the V Line of CVG Alcasa, based on National Technology, the V-350 Cell, was presented for the first time, along with important aspects related to the recovery of CVG Alcasa.

These early achievements in the tireless work of rescuing and promoting the image of the Venezuelan Aluminium Sector internationally were further enhanced in 2003 through participations organized by the Research and Development Centre of CVG Venalum at the Aluminium and Energy Congress in South Africa and the Commodities Research Unit (CRU) Congress in the United States. In these forums, the new focus for the sector was formally presented to the international aluminium business community. In 2004, there was also participation in the TMS 2004 Congress in the United States, where the Expansion Plan of CVG Venalum, including the Sixth and Seventh Lines, was shared with the international community.

In line with these activities, work was done on the conceptual and basic design of the CVG Venalum Expansion Plan, as well as in securing the financial resources for its execution. Likewise, in defining the guarantee of electricity and alumina supply for the stable, profitable, and sustainable operation of these projects.

The expansion project that had been approved and initiated at Industria Venezolana de Aluminio, CVG Venalum, was halted without official notification in 2006.



In 2005, the newly created Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining called on Drs. Jesús Imery and Juan Guzmán to collaborate with its management, commencing their directorial duties as members of the Board of Directors of CVG Alcasa. They managed to assemble a working team that brought all the electrolytic cells of Line III into operation in record time.

Starting in April of the same year, both professionals were appointed as Presidents of CVG Bauxilum (Dr. Jesús Imery) and CVG Cabelum (Dr. Juan Guzmán), respectively. The Boards of Directors of both companies were composed of professionals from both the Research and Development Centre and the administrative areas of CVG Venalum.



CVG Bauxilum presented a different situation. In 2005, the company surpassed its historical production, significantly improved the work environment, reported net profits, and was prepared to launch its expansion project to produce over three million tons of alumina annually.

In addition, the management of CVG Bauxilum extended beyond its borders. The construction of a caustic soda plant was promoted at the national executive level, an input that represents over 70% of the raw material budget for the company.

Recognizing the need to increase the value-added to our natural resources and generate new sustainable economic activities, industrial use was promoted for granite deposits discovered and studied in areas near the bauxite mine. Approval from the Office of the President was obtained to allocate the necessary funds for this project.

Collaboration with CVG Conacal was established for the construction of a lime plant to meet future needs for both CVG Bauxilum and the new steel company to be built by the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining.

A strategic alliance with Saint-Gobain was also promoted and consolidated for the construction of a proppants production plant in Puerto Ordaz, a critical input used to optimize gas and oil wells. PDVSA imported the entirety of this product. This has been the only international private capital project consolidated in the Guayana region.



At CVG Cabelum, among other things, the following results were achieved:

Preventing equipment deterioration by proposing a structured and planned recovery plan to restore reliability to expected levels.

Reorganizing the Marketing Management, including relocating the office from Caracas to Ciudad Bolívar, reviewing signed contracts, and sales schemes.

In 2005, changes were achieved in conductor premiums, increasing from 430 US$/t to 950 US$/t, and wire rod premiums from 180 US$/t to 400 and 475 US$/t.

October 2005 saw a record production of wire rod, reaching 1,643 tons, exceeding the monthly production level not achieved for nine (9) years.

The O.T.T winder in the rolling line, which had been out of service for over eight years, was put into operation.

From 1998 to 2004, most of the equipment received minimal maintenance, with many of them operating at levels as low as 30% of their installed capacity, such as the drawing machines.

A project was presented for technological adaptation and production increase up to 60,000 tons/year of conductors, resulting in increased profitability for the company. This project was approved in a memorandum presented to the President of the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana, and funding was approved as a loan by CVG, according to Resolution DIR 9125 dated 12/14/2005.



As the President of CINTAL, Dr. Jesús Imery collaborated closely with leading researchers from CVG Venalum's Research and Development Management to establish this centre. 

During its inception, the primary focus was on consolidating expansion and economic recovery projects for national aluminium sector companies, as well as the development, promotion, funding acquisition, and execution of value-added projects for primary aluminium.

CINTAL not only promoted aluminium as an economic activity but also as a catalyst for regional development. It designed the Conceptual Engineering for two Aluminium Cities, situated in Caicara del Orinoco and El Palmar, respectively.

Given Venezuela's vast potential for efficient and sustainable aluminium exploitation and the urgent need to create jobs, improve living standards, and rectify the flawed territorial development model that has plagued our country for decades, it is imperative to harness the nation's full potential to achieve these vital goals.

In this context, it is inexcusable to miss the latent opportunities that have arisen due to Venezuela's numerous advantages for the growth of its aluminium industry, which has consigned thousands of Venezuelans to a life of poverty.

The country is on the brink of a transformative process, representing the last beacon of hope.



  Dr. CORINA YORIS VILLASANA Corina Yoris Villasana (Caracas, March 17, 1944) is a Venezuelan philosopher, professor, academic and politicia...